Tomorrow, the other team member on this blog, Anne Liv, is getting married. After a few months of scrapping, it felt completely wrong to go to a store to get her and her beloved a premade greeting card. It was time to take it to "the next level", and make something myself. Scary, in a way, considering the "massiveness" of the situation. Either it'd turn out really good, or... I'd have to get a store-card and admit defeat, and - that was not an option.
So, last Monday, the day before my last exam this year, I thought it to be the perfect occasion. Procrastinator? Me?

I ekteskapet er ikke målet å tenke likt, men å tenke sammen.
"In marriage, the goal is not to think the same, but to think together".
All my best to the happy couple! :D
Kjempelekkert bryllupskort!! Gratulerer så mye til Anne Liv!!:-)
Takk :)
Tusen takk :)
Så utrolig stilig kort, Margrethe! Og gratulerer så masse til Anne Liv!! Hell og lykke til brudeparet!!
Takker for det :)
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